Exploring Stem Cells

stem cells rotator cuffBy now you’ve probably heard of stem cells but you may still be a little unsure of what they actually are. Stem cells are a unique type of cell found in human bone marrow. Known as undifferentiated cells, this particular type of cell is special in that it has the ability to develop into different types of cells or even tissues throughout the body.

Dr. Bennett took this knowledge and was among the first in his field to find that distinct classes of mesenchymal stem cells (MCSs) from the bone marrow could be used to enhance patient healing and recovery, giving them the option to more effectively treat muscles and tendons. In many cases, this even meant a complete avoidance of major surgery.

Click here to read Stem Cells Explored in Detail to learn more about how Dr. Bennett has aided in the advance of stem cell research in orthopedic medicine.

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