Arthritis Shouldn’t Mean Giving Up the Things You Love: How to Keep Running


More than 50 million adults across the United States suffer from arthritis, a number so high that arthritis is known as the leading cause of disability in our country. If you are one of the many avid runners with arthritis, you may wonder if your favorite hobby is to blame for the degenerative nature of your joints. Perhaps you’ve contemplated giving up running altogether.

Having arthritis shouldn’t mean cutting a healthy and productive sport out of your life. Thanks to regenerative medicine treatments like stem cell therapy, it is possible to reduce or even overcome your arthritis pain in order to embrace running as a regular part of your life.

This is why Dr. William Bennett of Bennett Orthopedics and Sports medicine in Sarasota, Florida offers cutting edge PRP and stem cell therapy treatments to patients with a range of unique needs. Dr. Bennett is committed to using regenerative medicine to its full potential to accelerate and enhance the body’s natural healing processes, especially for runners like yourself.

Osteoarthritis Wears Away Cartilage

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis, is the most common form of arthritis. Arthritis is primarily determined by genetics, though excess weight and injury are added risk factors. Running cannot cause arthritis, though it can accelerate the damage that is already occurring.

As arthritis progresses, cartilage wears away until the bones rub against each other and cause stiffness, inflammation, and pain. The discomfort caused by arthritis is enough to diminish your quality of life and ability to run. Fortunately, stem cell therapy can actually reverse the damage caused by arthritis and help you hit the running trails again with a significant decrease in pain and discomfort.

Stem Cell Therapy Builds New Cartilage Cushion

Stem cells are cells in the human body that are “unassigned” and haven’t developed for a specific purpose. They generate and renew the cells specifically needed to heal a joint condition such as arthritis. Stem cell therapy offers a multitude of benefits to runners looking to preserve and improve their running abilities.

  • Can replace or supplement minimally-invasive knee surgery
  • Offers high success rates
  • Stem cells naturally seek out areas with damaged tissue to repair injury
  • Minimal recovery times and rapid results
  • Safe and able to be repeated with no additional risk

Dr. Bennett can also combine stem cell therapy with PRP injections. The growth factors found in platelet-rich plasma help to signal stem cells to develop new cartilage and replace damaged tissue. Call (941) 229-1648 to schedule your first appointment with Dr. William Bennett today. You should be able to keep running without a second thought.

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