Don’t Give Up the Activities You Love – Treating Golfer’s Elbow with PRP

You want to master the perfect swing that your favorite golf pros make look so easy, but what if your body fights back? With the average round of golf involving more than 100 swings of the club and significant force to hit the ball, golfer’s elbow is a very common side effect of one of America’s favorite sports.

However, the presence of golfer’s elbow shouldn’t make you give up the activity you love. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) offers a powerful and natural treatment option to reduce your elbow pain and help you stay in the game.

Why Does Golfer’s Elbow Develop?

Golfer’s elbow develops from damage caused to the muscles and tendons in control of the wrists and fingers. It is named golfer’s elbow since gripping and swinging clubs incorrectly, too forcefully, or repetitively can injure those muscles and tendons.

Golfer’s elbow is known to cause pain and tenderness on the inner side of the elbow, though it sometimes extends along the inner side of the forearm as well. Stiffness, weakness, and tingling are other symptoms of golfer’s elbow. Unfortunately, golfer’s elbow impacts non-athletic movements as well, including shaking hands, turning a doorknob, and flexing your wrist.

Traditional Treatments Don’t Address the Root Cause of Golfer’s Elbow

Orthopedic expert Dr. William Bennett doesn’t prefer to recommend cortisone injections for golfer’s elbow. While cortisone does alleviate pain, it does so at the cost of health to the injured tissue. Cortisone injections have been found to cause sustained damage to the tissue over time, and multiple injections may lead to further deterioration of the tissue and need for surgery. NSAIDS, ice, and compression help minimize pain but cannot eliminate the root causes of tennis elbow.

PRP Treatment for Golfer’s Elbow

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is an innovative regenerative medicine treatment that has successfully been used to heal golfer’s elbow. Since the tendons injured in golfer’s elbow have poor blood supply, they don’t heal quickly or naturally. Injecting PRP directly into those tendons triggers healing beyond what the body could achieve by itself. The elbow uses the growth factors and other proteins in PRP to stimulate tissue regeneration and reduce the pain associated with golfer’s elbow

If you want to discover the potential for PRP to alleviate your golfer’s elbow, call (941) 229-1648 to make an appointment at Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine in Sarasota, Venice, or Bradenton, Florida. Dr. Bennett is committed to using the most effective treatments available to help you regain physical comfort.


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