Knee Arthroscopy Rates Have Declined: Here’s Why

We all know somebody who has undergone knee replacement surgery – also known as knee arthroscopy – and it’s never a decision made lightly. Now, recent research indicates that fewer Florida residents are electing to use knee replacement surgery to resolve their chronic knee problems. In fact, between 2002 and 2015, knee arthroscopy rates declined more than 20%.

What Is a Knee Arthroscopy?

Knee arthroscopy involves the surgical replacement of a damaged knee. As the largest joints in the body, the knees are required to perform most everyday activities. This causes wear and tear on the knees quicker than on other joints. Knee arthroscopy is often used if the knee degrades to the point that it cannot properly function.

During a knee arthroscopy, the damaged cartilage surfaces are removed and metal implants are positioned to recreate the surface of the joint. A medical-grade plastic spacer is also inserted between the joint implants to create a smooth gliding surface. Though knee replacement is sometimes the best choice for patients who struggle to walk up stairs or move across the room, the surgery does present its own risks and challenges.

What Are the Risks of Knee Arthroscopy?

As with any surgery, knee arthroscopy presents the risk of infection in the wound or around the prosthesis. Blood clots in the leg veins are also common after surgery but can become life-threatening if they break free and travel into your lungs. Some patients may also experience scarring or continued pain after surgery.

Your Knee Replacement Alternatives

If you want to reduce your knee pain and increase your knee function without undergoing arthroscopic surgery, you do have alternatives! Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy are both popular and research-based regenerative treatments shown to heal the root causes of knee pain.

Dr. Bennett has mastered the stem cell therapy and PRP treatment processes and knows exactly how to direct stem cells and PRP to seek out and replace damaged tissue in the knee, develop into cartilage cells, and grow successfully without being rejected by the patient’s immune system.

These incredible abilities make it possible for stem cells and PRP to generate outcomes that are often more successful than the results of knee replacement, without any of the pain, risk, or invasive surgery. Call (941) 229-1648 now to make your first appointment with Dr. Bennett and escape debilitating knee pain for good.


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