Do You Need the Services of an Orthopedic Surgeon?

Dr. Bennett 2014Have you been dealing with joint, muscle or tendon pain for an extended period of time? Do you deal with chronic back issues? The fact is that there are over 28 million people in the US who have developed some type of musculoskeletal issue every year. Some of these issues include, but are certainly not limited to: back pain; shoulder and knee pain; overuse injuries; strains; and sprains.

There are some people who believe that the only way to solve these issues is with medication, never once considering the fact that they may benefit from visiting an orthopedic surgeon.

These doctors specialize in injuries, diseases and issues pertaining to the musculoskeletal system. They play an important role in the evaluation, diagnosis, the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of various musculoskeletal problems. An orthopedic doctor may work in a hospital or in specialized practices where they treat things such as bone tumors; degenerative conditions; congenital conditions; joint issues; broken bones; sports injuries; and infections.

For those who are experiencing any pain in their back, shoulders, hips, knees or ankles, seeing an orthopedic surgeon may be beneficial.

When you visit this medical professional, they will be able to evaluate your condition and develop a customized plan of action. This will help relieve your pain and ensure that the condition does not become worse. In some cases, medication will be suggested, while other situations may require rehabilitation or surgery.

You can discuss the options with your doctor to ensure that you find the one that is right for your particular needs. While most doctors will try to avoid surgery if possible, in some cases it may be the only way to ensure that the issue you are suffering from is treated successfully.


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Bennett Orthopedics & Sportsmedicine 1250 S Tamiami Trail #303 Sarasota, Florida 34239

Phone: (941) 953-5509

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