Stem Cell Treatments Now Used on Pets, Too

dog fleasStem cells are hitting the news on a daily basis now, and for good reason. These incredible cells have time and time again exhibited the potential to provide therapeutic treatments that fight against disease and disability. Most people immediately align the use of stem cells with humans, but new research is successfully uncovering how stem cells can also be used to revolutionize the medical care of animals as well.

The Power of Stem Cells

Stem cells are cells found in the body, donated embryos, or even created in a lab, that have the unique ability of infinitely reproducing into nearly any type of cell. They can be thought of as “blank” cells that don’t adopt a purpose or identity until instructed to do so. This is transformative in the regenerative medicine medical field because it provides doctors with a way to generate the cells that have been damaged and destroyed by disease and illness, like skin, muscle, and nerve cells.

When stem cells are utilized to fight disease and injury, they are injected into the body to work as a repair system. The stem cells replenish other cells and rebuild the weakened part of the body. Opposed to pharmaceutical medications or dangerous surgeries that don’t always work or cause more problems than they solve, stem cells provide a natural solution that can permanently solve the problem at hand rather than only hiding the symptoms.

Stem Cell Use in Animals

Research regarding stem cell use in humans is accelerating rapidly, and dedicated scientist are in the process of uncovering stem cell treatments for previously terminal conditions like Alzheimer’s Disease. However, the focus has also shifted to using stem cells to help animals regain their health.

Now, pets suffering from chronic issues like hip dysplasia, arthritis, and other orthopedic conditions can benefit from stem cell therapy to heal damaged areas. It’s easy to collect and even freeze healthy stem cells for use down the road. Many older animals have regained their health through stem cell treatments, and there’s no doubt that countless more animals will in the future! If you need help, contact Dr. William Bennett today.



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