Tennis Elbow PRP Successful Study Shows

Lateral epicondylitis is an overuse injury, also referred to as “tennis elbow” because of the repetitive motion made in tennis that puts stress on the extensor muscles. Which treatment protocol is followed is determined by the history of the patient as well as severity of the injury.

At Bennett Orthopedics and Sportsmedicine, Dr. Bennett notes that a majority of our patients respond well to conservative treatment, which includes; physical therapy, using a splint and taking anti-inflammatory medication.

For those who have a partial thickness tear of less than 50%, PRP injections have been shown to have a high success rate. If the tear is greater than 50%, it is recommended that they do the PRP injection along with minimally invasive endoscopic surgery.

Dr. Bennett does not encourage the use of cortisone injections because they will weaken the tendons over time. Patients who have had prior cortisone injections have a lower success rate when treated with PRP from 90% to 60-70%.

In office-ultrasound allows Dr Bennett to make the diagnosis and quantify the size of the tear.

PRP for Tennis Elbow

Call 941-953-5509 to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Bennett.


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